To help with lymphedema, gentle bouncing on a mini trampoline for at least 10 to 15 minutes will stimulate your lymphatic system, says Ellen Kamhi in her book, “Alternative Medicine Magazine’s Definitive Guide to Weight Loss.” The rapid changes in gravity cause your lymphatic channels to expand, thus enhancing lymphatic circulation. When you land on the trampoline, your body experiences twice the force of gravity, making bouncing more effective than running for stimulating lymph flow, says Kamhi.

The lymphatic system is responsible for protecting our bodies against infection and other harmful agents. It is the metabolic trash can of our bodies, ridding us excess fluid and waste products. There are between 600-700 lymph nodes present in the average human body. It is the role of these nodes to filter the lymph before it can be returned to the circulatory system.
Poor lymph flow is common in sedentary people, making less active individuals more prone to illness. Often times sedentary people also have poor diets and consume a lot of junk food, causing them to be unwell due to their body sending all of the toxins and waste to the lymphatic system. Because of lack of exercise, lymphatic flow is poor, allowing toxins to accumulate in the body. It is critical that we make good food choices and do some form of physical activity daily to build-up our immune systems. You can order a mini-tramp on Amazon for less than $150 and have it delivered within the week.
Although these nodes can increase or decrease in size throughout life, any node that has been damaged or destroyed, does not regenerate. When the lymph nodes have been removed or irradiated in cancer patients the pathways may become restricted, preventing lymph fluid from draining properly. This fluid buildup leads to swelling (lymphedema). Lymphedema can be a painful and disfiguring life-long affliction. Early detection and proper management are critical for quality of life.
The movement that is performed in rebounding is a complete cellular exercise that provides the stimulus for a free-flowing lymphatic system that will efficiently drain away the toxins. Unlike the arterial system, the lymphatic system lacks a pump. There are three ways to activate lymphatic flow away from the tissues and back into the main pulmonary circulation. Since the lymphatic system does not have a heart to pump it, its upward movement depends on the motions of the muscle and joints. Lymphatic flow requires muscular contraction from exercise and movement, gravitational pressure, and internal massage to the valves of lymph ducts. Rebounding supplies all three methods of removing waste products from the cells and from the body. In addition, rebounding:
- increased lymphocyte activity
- works the abdominal (core), leg, buttock, and deep back muscles. This is beneficial for everyone, but has even more impact for those recovering from any abdominal surgery (retropubic prostatectomy, abdominal TRAM, hysterectomy, etc.)
- may help improve balance, coordination, and overall motor skills which are critical for cancer patients with neurological conditions.
- supports bone density, bone strength, and bone formation. Both men and women undergoing hormonal suppression or ablation are at a higher risk for osteoporosis (which can also be compounded by chemotherapy)
- strengthens the heart which can be compromised by certain types of chemotherapy and radiation
- improves resting metabolic rate, burns calories, and aids in weight loss. Many cancer patients struggle with weight gain. The extra weight can increase the risk of future cancers, lymphedema, diabetes, and heart disease