Exercise Can Be an Essential Component in Managing Treatment Side Effects for Cancer Patients Exercise can be an essential component in managing treatment side effects for cancer patients. While it is essential to consult with a healthcare professional before starting an exercise regimen, when done correctly, exercise can…
Continue Reading→Customized Exercise Programming – Primary Bone Cancer w/Lung METS
Customized Exercise Programming - Primary Bone Cancer w/Lung METS Jane received a referral for a new client with bone cancer that has spread to her lungs. She is a recent CES graduate and was looking for assistance in putting together a safe and effective exercise program for her…
Continue Reading→July is Bone Cancer Awareness Month
July is Bone Cancer Awareness Month Bone cancer is often a result of metastasis, which is when a cancer from another part of the body has spread to the bone. There are also primary cancers of the bone, however is relatively uncommon. The American Cancer Society's estimates for…
Continue Reading→Lifestyle Choices Can Protect You from Disease
Lifestyle Choices Can Protect You from Disease Lifestyle choices can prevent you from disease. Many chronic diseases are caused by key risk behaviors. By making healthy choices, you can reduce your likelihood of getting a chronic disease and improve your quality of life. Stopping smoking (or never starting) lowers the risk of…
Continue Reading→Signs of Hormonal Imbalance in Men
Signs of Hormonal Imbalance in Men Usually when the topic of estrogen is mentioned, men’s health is not the first thing that comes to mind. After all, estrogen is only important for women, right? It’s testosterone that men need to be concerned about. Although it’s true that estrogen is…
Continue Reading→Customized Exercise Programming for Testicular Cancer
Customized Exercise Programming - Testicular Cancer Jim received a referral for a client with testicular cancer. He’s been a Cancer Exercise Specialist for a little over a year, but this is his first client with testicular cancer. He asked if he could hire me to help him with…
Continue Reading→April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month
April is Testicular Cancer Awareness Month April is testicular cancer awareness month. Testicular cancer is on the rise and can affect any male from infancy to the elderly. An estimated 9,600 will be diagnosed in 2023 in the United States. Testicular cancer occurs in the testicles, which are…
Continue Reading→March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month
March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month March is Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month Unfortunately, CRC is generally asymptomatic and when the symptoms of CRC appear, such as rectal bleeding, anemia, or abdominal pain, most patients are already in the advanced stage. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) estimates that the…
Continue Reading→Treatment is Over – The Side-Effects are Not
Treatment is Over - The Side Effects are Not Problems Related to Surgery: Survivors of Hodgkin lymphoma, especially those diagnosed before 1988, often had their spleens removed. The spleen is a vital organ for the immune system. Removing it is linked with a higher risk of infections. Survivors…
Continue Reading→Customized Exercise Programming – Cervical Cancer
Customized Exercise Programming – Cervical Cancer Sharon received a referral for a client with invasive cervical cancer. She’s a physical therapist but has worked mostly with orthopedic patients. She recently became an OncoVie™Cancer Exercise Specialist and asked if she could hire me to help her with and teach…
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